The warm sun was shining over the beautiful Australian morning in the suburbs of Sydney. It was the weekend and my sister and I were out in the backyard while my dad did some of the yard work. I was on the swing set when my dad called me over “Tania, come here a minute, I want to show you something.”

“But Dad, I’m swinging.”

“It will only take a minute. I want to show you something about this tree.”

I plodded over. Dad took a handful of leaves and crushed them and rolled them in his hands, opened them up and said, “Smell this.”

I took a deep breath in. It was fresh, earthy and clean. It reminded me of some of the products my mom used. “These are eucalyptus leaves from this tree. There are a lot of different kinds of eucalyptus trees in Australia, most of them are originally from here. People all over the world use the oil from this tree’s leaves in different types of things because they love the scent so much. And we are lucky enough to be able to walk out into the back yard and pick it off a tree.”

This was one of my first childhood memories of eucalyptus, and it became a scent that continued throughout my childhood. I can remember my mom putting eucalyptus oil in vaporisers when I was sick as a child. And it still makes me feel at home when I smell it. Now whenever I smell eucalyptus, I have these warm childhood memories flood back and make me smile. It is such a fresh clean scent.

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