I have always loved Japanese design. There is a beautiful cleanness, artistic and functional element to it. I decided to visit Japan to check out the country’s beautiful design in person and there is no better time to do this than during the spring Cherry Blossom Festival. This is a traditionally celebrated festival that happens when the cherry blossoms start to come out. It’s timing changes depending on the weather, but it usually happens in early to mid April.

Historically, it was used to celebrate the end to the long winter and the start to the farming season. When the cherry blossoms came out, the farmers would know that the soil was warm enough to start planting. It creates a beautiful pink world after the long grey winter. There is even a goddess of cherry blossoms called Konohanasakuya-hime, who represents beauty, love and delicate earthly life – all very reflective of the beauty of Japan at this time of the year.

I decided to get a cupcake to eat in the park and then walk around the park. I picked up my cupcake and walked over to the park through a massive crowd of people. I found a spot to sit down and enjoy my delicious red velvet cupcake as I enjoyed the pink wonderland. I licked my fingers of all the delicious sweet goodness of the cupcake and started on my stroll through the park.

I came up to an ancient temple and I loved the juxtaposition of the fresh and new blossoms on the trees against the aged temple that had stood there for centuries and seen many seasons of cherry blossoms. I continued to walk through the park and came across a man playing a piano. The sign on his piano read “The Travelling Piano” and he travelled around composing music and playing for people in parks. The sight of the delicate flowers, the scent of the tree’s bark (which is the most fragrant part of the tree) and the sounds of the beautiful piano created a delightful experience for my senses.

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